



Who are we?

IntrigAfrica’s mission is to deliver exceptional design ideas and solutions for our clients through the creative blending of human need, environmental stewardship, value creation, science and art.

Our design solutions result from a collaborative process that encourages multidisciplinary professional teams to research alternatives, share knowledge and imagine new ways to solve the challenges of the built environment.

Intrig Africa is a multi-disciplined company that works with specialized partners where we serve a variety of industries and project types. We are committed to delivering excellence to contractors, owners, engineers, architects and financial institutions by maintaining the highest standards of quality for consulting services within the construction industry.

We assist our clients in overcoming complicated construction-related situations and accomplishing their project objectives through industry awareness, practical business knowledge and technology experience.  Intrig Africa customizes services to meet each client’s particular needs in the design management, oversight and forensic investigation of construction projects.

Our Approach

The happiness of our customers is our singular goal.  Creating joy in our customers’ experience is the byproduct of combining our superior building systems with a rugged moral code emphasizing honesty and fairness. Intrig Africa is highly conscious of project timelines and budget and has proven methods for delivering on both.  These advantages are conveyed to each client through a dedicated team and a highly transparent project management process.